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In-Home ABA Therapy

In-home therapy includes home and community sessions with your child, consultation with daycare/school and any outside providers working with your child, and attendance at team/IEP meetings. In this way, we can provide a comprehensive wrap-around program which increases generalization of skills across people and places that lasts over time. This approach has been scientifically validated as the most effective treatment over time.

Home services target functional life, daily living, and community-based skills.
ARICA requires health insurers in Massacusetts to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Intake Process

  1. Families fill out the intake form
  2. Eligibility and verification of benefits are obtained
  3. A formal assessment is conducted by a BCBA which includes a face-to-face meeting and interview, records review, and gauging of student skills using an assesment tool
  4. A treatment plan is developed targeting individualized student needs based on the assessment data
  5. A behavior technician is identified to match family needs
  6. Services begin!

Intake Form